Alex Nguyen / GIS Developer / LJA Engineering, Inc.
Slide me!
used to display points as a simple shape - limited to circles, cross, diamonds, squares, and X's
uses a raster image as a marker
Esri main campus, main offices, and satellite offices
Esri main campus, main offices, and satellite offices
Esri main campus, main offices, and satellite offices
// require dependencies here...
// The path strings from SVG file, concatenated
var svgPath = "M ... to z";
var svgSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
.setOutline(null) // no outlines
.setSize(20) // 20 pixels
var map = new Map("map");
map.on("load", function () {
var point = new Point([-95.57408, 29.73736]);
var graphic = new Graphic(point, svgSymbol);;