Custom SVG Symbology

with ESRI Javascript API

Alex Nguyen / GIS Developer / LJA Engineering, Inc.

What is SVG?

  • Scalable Vector Graphics
  • Circles, rectangles, and paths
  • Can apply color and gradients

Slide me!

SVG Sample File




Types of Point Symbols

  • SimpleMarkerSymbol

    used to display points as a simple shape - limited to circles, cross, diamonds, squares, and X's

  • PictureMarkerSymbol

    uses a raster image as a marker

Simple Marker Symbols

Esri main campus, main offices, and satellite offices


Picture Marker Symbols

Esri main campus, main offices, and satellite offices


SVG Marker Symbols

Esri main campus, main offices, and satellite offices


That's cool, show me the code!

// require dependencies here...

// The path strings from SVG file, concatenated
var svgPath = "M ... to z";

var svgSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol()
  .setOutline(null) // no outlines
  .setSize(20) // 20 pixels

var map = new Map("map");
map.on("load", function () {
  var point = new Point([-95.57408, 29.73736]); 
  var graphic = new Graphic(point, svgSymbol);;


I'm not a designer, how can I get SVGs?

Noun Project

Go to town!

* This map is not recommended for production

Thank you.

Happy Coding!